Anyone Can Whistle
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center
July 28 - 31, 2022
Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Book by Arthur Laurents
Directed by Kristen Samu
Choreographed by Victor Ayers
In his final year with the Youth Repertory Ensemble, Weller will play J. Bowden Hapgood in this infamous flop.
Anyone Can Whistle tells the story of a corrupt mayoress who fakes a miracle to revitalize her bankrupt town and the ill-fated romance between the rational nurse, out to expose the fraud, and the easygoing doctor who is determined to enjoy the chaos that it brings. In the end, the show delivers a poignant message about the importance of the individual in a conformist society — but not before aiming its still-relevant barbs at government, religion, science, and anything else that stands in its way!
Clip from “Anyone Can Whistle”
Weller performs “Everybody Says Don’t” by Stephen Sondheim in the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center Youth Rep Ensemble’s production of “Anyone Can Whistle”